SBA Navigator
The USHCC Community Navigator Pilot Program – “USHCCBizNav”
In 2021, the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC), the nation’s largest Hispanic business organization, was awarded a $5 million Community Navigator Pilot Program grant by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), which seeks to outreach to serve small businesses in historically underserved communities, collaborate with local economic development groups, activate community resource partners, and work with states and local municipalities to amplify and create newly accessible resources. As a “Hub” in the SBA’s Community Navigator Pilot Program “Hub and Spoke Model,” the USHCC has partnered with five national organization “Spokes,” the Denver Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, El Paso Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Hello Alice, Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and Latino Business Action Network (LBAN).
These Spokes have been working closely with the USHCC to provide high-quality, bilingual technical assistance, business counseling, training, and marketing for pandemic relief and recovery efforts that are critical to the revitalization of local Latino-owned businesses. So far this year, through the Community Navigator Pilot Program, the USHCC has been able to train 5,529 Latino entrepreneurs and small business owners. In collaboration with Hello Alice through Community Navigator Pilot Program, the USHCC is introducing our Virtual Training Accelerator Program. This program will facilitate technical assistance and business counseling to small business owners across the country.