Supplier Development Programming
USHCC Supplier Readiness Bootcamp
The United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Educational Fund (USHCCEF) and the Anheuser-Busch Foundation are excited to announce a new expanded partnership to launch a ‘Supplier Readiness Bootcamp’ that supports minority entrepreneurs in navigating the procurement and contracting process. The ‘Supplier Readiness Bootcamp’ program aims to increase supplier readiness by training Hispanic and minority suppliers on important tips and best practices to help strengthen their proposals and their opportunities. This virtual bootcamp training series includes six sessions in total with topics such as: building and strengthening your capability statement, branding/marketing, certification, scaling your business, and more. Applicants who complete all six training sessions will be awarded with a certificate upon completion.

Procurement – Business Matchmaking
The USHCC’s Business Matchmaking provides a unique forum for Hispanic Business Enterprises (HBEs) to connect with procurement officers from federal agencies and Fortune 500 companies, representing hundreds of millions of dollars in business opportunities. Last year thousands of unique appointments resulted from this event. These meetings provide an opportunity for buyers and sellers to discuss specific projects and capabilities.
Supplier Readiness Bootcamp
The USHCC’s Procurement Council Advisory Board (PCAB) is committed to ensuring that suppliers in our network are best in class by providing the highest supplier readiness tools available – at no cost. We have provided many free and bilingual sessions on how to create a capability statement, how to master virtual meetings with buyers, and how to grow your visibility and your brand. We are committed to arming our HBEs with the top resources to help them grow capacity and secure their next contract.